
Play outside and sing together: what living in Denmark taught me about raising ‘Viking’ children

Nordic children are out in nature for hours a day – and they top rankings in both education and happiness. So here are seven parenting tips I’ve picked up along the way… I knew I was in trouble the day my pre-schooler came home smelling of woodsmoke and told me he’d been practising “knife skills”.

Play outside and sing together: what living in Denmark taught me about raising ‘Viking’ children Read More »

Rocking the boat: would your marriage survive being shipwrecked together?

Imagine you and your partner were cast adrift in the ocean – it sounds romantic but what might happen? Let’s play it as a game. Two-player, ideally lovers. You could play with a friend, but for real spice – to truly scope out the game’s gnarly potential – it’s best with a partner or spouse,

Rocking the boat: would your marriage survive being shipwrecked together? Read More »

A final wild gift: who’d have guessed this time with Dad as he’s dying could be so ineffably precious?

As Myfanwy Jones and her family cared for her father in his last days, she was struck by the beauty, the memory and the burrowing in Dad keeps asking for a half-pint of cold milk. He doesn’t talk of dying but of going home. And it’s some consolation that the cabbage-y room in the aged

A final wild gift: who’d have guessed this time with Dad as he’s dying could be so ineffably precious? Read More »